(This page will be updated with details of the event until the day of.)
For over twenty years Leonid Sarvarian not only thought his students the Armenian language, but also nourished their souls with grand literature, classical music, high art and culture.
When the Islamic revolution took place in Iran and he was prohibited from this practice, he moved the resistance into his own house by initiating monthly meetings with students, fellow writers and intellectual friends, which he so-called Jour-Fixe. (The French word for events that happen on a fixed day every month.)
Two decades later and after several years of being bedbound in a Glendale nursing home, what he still most of all talks about are his students. As a result, his family is organizing another Jour-Fixe so his old students, disciples and friends can come together and share their memories, recite some of his poetry, play few of his favorite music and celebrate his presence.
Join Leonid Sarvarian’s Jour-Fixe for a modest reception and quality time and meet the teacher who dedicated his life into inspiring his students most of all to become better humans.
Date: August 6 2019 at 6:30 PM
Location: Abril Bookstore – 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA 91205